Being able to proficiently execute your own Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study or even skillfully interpret an LCA can be valuable. With over two decades of LCA experience, Four Elements offers training that can give your company a strong foundation of LCA understanding.
Depending on your needs, our training will help your team accomplish the following:
Understand what LCA is and how it is used
Understand the basic requirements of the international standards covering LCA
Learn the main steps for completing an LCA
Understand different ways to look at a product system to appropriately define
the system boundaries -
Identify data needs and manage data quality
Interpret and communicate results
Understand comparisons using LCA
Learn about related disciplines, such as Carbon Footprinting
Learn which commercial LCA tool(s) will best fit your needs
Trust Four Elements to get you up to speed in this dynamic field.
Contact us to learn more.