Third Party Critical Peer Reviewing
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies are about technical validity; robustness of data; and interpretation, transparency, and strict compliance with the International Standardization Organization (ISO) 14040 and 14044 standards on LCA.
Get the security of knowing that your investment in LCA was money well spent. Four Elements has the expertise and experience to understand scoping, methodology, and all the fundamental elements that make an LCA ISO-compliant. We have performed countless reviews over the years – reviews of high-profile LCAs involving public comparisons of competing products; reviews of smaller scale, company-internal LCAs; and reviews of company-internal software tools calculating environmental or carbon footprints.
As either the lead reviewer of a panel of experts or the sole reviewer, Four Elements will provide the assurance that the LCA has successfully met its established goals and objectives.
Contact us to learn more.